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6 posters

    Welcome to LUX-interview


    Posts : 188

    Welcome to LUX-interview Empty Welcome to LUX-interview

    Post by Eltharrion 23.12.12 15:56

    This game takes place in small reception room in the medical care. It has a desk and two sets of small sofas. It's also Zalakar's own work room for his studies.

    An interview is taking place throughout the whole crew and passengers of LUX. This interview is not mandatory, so no one is forced to take it, but everyone are advised to take part in it. While it may seem like to be something made when ship is still preparing to launch, due to personnel shortage and vast number of people aboard this interview will take ages, and thus will be ongoing for a long, long, time.

    The game shall be constantly continuing: when one person's session is finished, next one may join in freely further in the timeline (games don't take place after another immediately, but within some time space). Only one character + Zalakar at a time (unless otherwise mentioned). Any possible player challenges or such are not recommended for this game.
    If you feel you are in need to reserve yourself a spot, feel free to do it here.

    Last edited by Eltharrion on 05.01.13 12:47; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 210

    Welcome to LUX-interview Empty Re: Welcome to LUX-interview

    Post by Ginka 24.12.12 13:01

    Sola entered a reception room confidently and quickly glanced around her. She was not certain who would be interviewing her but she wanted to play it safe so she had a white dress. This dress was mid-thigh length with a round neckline and short sleeves. Fabric was skin tight of course and just enough revealing for male subjects but not offensive to others. Beside her dress Sola didn't really prepare herself for the interview in any special way aside from brushing her fur accordingly.

    The waiting room had sofas so Sola took the obvious hint and decided to sit. Sola turned her back to the sofa, straightened her dress and ensuring the hem wouldn't wrinkle she sat on the edge of the sofa. She crossed her legs in a lady like way showing off her awesome legs. Lastly she placed her hands on her knees and with a good posture, ears up, observed her environment waiting and thinking about the hunk she knocked over last night.

    Posts : 188

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    Post by Eltharrion 25.12.12 5:06

    Zala was late.
    He was clearly late. But he didn't really care about it. With huge cup of hot mint cocoa in his hand, Zala walked lazily across the halls, scrolling down on the holographic screen emitting from his right hand now and then. He was reading up in advance the data of the next interviewee.
    Huh, an interesting background this lady has...

    With that thought, Zala simply walked in to his room only to spot lady Sola already sit there on the sofa. He frowned a bit: She had picked the sofa he usually used when interviewing people. Or at least, he would have frowned if his face didn't prevent such expressions to be fully formed.

    "Oh, I seem to be tad late here. Good day, Zalakar Torranei at your honors here."

    Without giving Sola any real time to react to his entering the room or words, Zala simply sat down to sofa across the table and took very long sip out of his cup. At least the cacao was perfect today, if nothing else. Evaluating his interviewee's outlook and actions could wait for few moments.

    Posts : 210

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    Post by Ginka 25.12.12 15:48

    As a passing image of a very intimate moment in an elevator went through Sola's mind it was interrupted when someone entered the room. Sola turned her head just so she could get a glance of the person who probably would be her interviewer. A very poorly hidden reaction spread around Sola's face when she realized that this person was somewhat deformed. Sola was quite shocked and wide open eyes accompanied with a slightly opened mouth showed it very well. That's.. quite the unusual implant, Sola though to herself as she made the assumption of an implant observing the right side of this man.

    Sola's still shocked face turned as her eyes followed the man who had introduced himself as Zalakar. Trying to gather herself Sola blinked quite a few times and knowingly closed her mouth. She corrected her posture and angled herself with caution towards Zalakar. Sola did not say anything as she was sort of waiting for her interview to start.

    Posts : 188

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    Post by Eltharrion 25.12.12 16:17

    Shock, disbelief, possible fright... Yeah, she has all of those.
    Zala placed his cup on the table and leaned bit forward while his right eye made a quick scan on her and his mind made notes of the clothes design, body build and possible changes in body language all while smiling widely with the left side of his face. Seeing the standard reaction on this lady's face so openly was rather amusing in the end. Quite soon his fingers crossed over each other, quite easily in fact, despite the length difference of his arms.

    "Lady Sola Axum. Born on Vulquwera, moved to Wera for studies, has monthly appointment to a doctor for standard implant check-up and a whole lot of other things to do on this ship. And clearly wears a nice design style mostly found on around Theseles lakes on western Wera. I take we are both where we're supposed to be?"

    Even if Zala formed the question such as they both could be wrong, his tone made it clear that it was a simple check-up to make sure the lady was in fact Sola.

    Posts : 210

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    Post by Ginka 27.12.12 1:35

    His arm.. was the thought on top of Sola's mind. Supposedly Sola was so confused by Zalakar's appearance that she sort of missed that the interview even started. "How did that..", words escaped from Sola's lips before she even realized it. Sola was embarrassed for blurting out something like that and she leaned backwards. Her hand was now covering her insensitive mouth and she avoided Zalakar's eyes. Even her usually alert ears had lowered down along the neckline.

    Posts : 188

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    Post by Eltharrion 27.12.12 3:19

    Zalakar sighted weakly. Seemed that the interview wouldn't get anywhere until she stopped wondering his outlook.

    "This all? Got into a traveling accident on Vulquwera, my ride was crushed by a landslide. Had to walk back to dome without any real gear. Radiation and heavy metal poisoning, small amounts of cancer and tumor growth made sure I can't get biotic implants made, so they used whatever they had. And I've grown attached to these these days, so never changed them."

    Zala spoke it all out like it was yesterday's weather and not an accident which had nearly killed him, while swinging his right arm slowly up and down with his speaking. Naturally the accident was a lie, though the aftereffects he had suffered in deed, but his static face made the whole lie rather convincing.

    "Now, are we clear from the sightseeing of local metalface and can return back to why we are here in the first place, or do I need to tell you in detail how eating works with jaw like this?"
    With bit sarcastic voice tone, Zala flashed a wide smile and spun his shoulders around a bit. His mixture of Weran and Vulquweran way of shoving emotions was rather clear at this moment.

    Posts : 210

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    Post by Ginka 27.12.12 6:10

    Sola felt bad about Zalakar's accident an mumbled a silent "sorry" while at it. However when Zalakar's tone changes so did Sola's attitude. She relaxed leaning back on the sofa and crossed her arms in front of her chest. Sola wasn't that good reading people and often made rash accusations without thinking it through. Her eyes and mouth had formed a frown and her other hand tapped her arm with a finger impatiently. Who does he think he is? I didn't want to offend him after all.

    Posts : 188

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    Post by Eltharrion 27.12.12 6:30

    With Sola's clear change of attitude, Zala relaxed and sat up straight again, reaching for his cup and taking in a long sip of cocoa. His whole body spoke of relaxation and no rush, as if to tell Sola there's no need for pouting or feeling bad about things.

    "Ah, good to see we're ready. Now, this interview is going to be simple, only thing I ask is that you answer as truthfully as possible. No avoiding facts, no bending of the truth, that kind of thing. If there's a question you can't or don't want to answer, just simply say so. We're not forcing you to say anything here.
    Now, for the first question of day: How did you hear about this ship? Were you directed here as a recommendation, saw a commercial, walked into the application office by accident, or anything else?"

    While talking, Zala had already opened his holographic screen, preparing to take up notes from her answers, reactions and facial expressions. Naturally having a camera unit around would help him even more, but such a device would be against regulations without other person's permission and most likely would make his interviewees unsure about things.

    Posts : 210

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    Post by Ginka 03.01.13 2:55

    Sola's interviewer tried to play nice but Sola had her first impression of Zalakar already and it could have been better. Still looking slightly upset and grumpy Sola listened to what Zalakar had to say. To be honest it sounded like an awful lot of useless chatting that ended to a pointless question at least in Sola's opinion. Her ears were up and facing slighty backwards and she wiggled her other leg nervously. Let's hope this ends quickly..

    "I was on Wera at that time and happened to come across a hologram ad that caught my interest. I searched around the web and sent in my application. After all I didn't really have any ties there and Lux seemed like a nice place to start over." Sola could have answered more briefly but she had a habit of explaining herself and making excuses.

    Posts : 188

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    Post by Eltharrion 03.01.13 4:02

    "And thus you ended here. Well, let's hope you have started over nicely around here, or will later. Dwelling on the past too long is never good for anyone."

    Zala's hands wrote notes on remarkable speed. It was one of the few good things he had learned to do, but it was something that had saved his work and his hair quite many times.
    He was glad in a way, though. Sola had just answered in a way that basicly covered up next two questions, so they could step it up and continue without any delay. With a flick of a wrist, Zala pulled his left hand to the table, grabbed his cup once more and lifted it up.

    "Well then, up to the next question. Have you settled down nicely on the ship, found out places to spend time in, possible job, got known your cabin mates, that sort of thing?"

    His ears were twitching a bit while listening: a clear sign that he was getting exited of the whole situation. After all, this was one of the first interviews and already he had gotten to meet a person with this interesting background. Now just to wait until it'll surface up in her talk.

    Posts : 210

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    Post by Ginka 05.01.13 11:30

    As Zalakar talked about irrelevant things and wrote down notes, Sola's mind wondered of to a wonderful land of sexy men and sex. She didn't really focus her eyes on anything which was something that might give off her lack of concentration. Sola was dragged back to the moment only by the next question.

    "Things have been fine and I like the variety Lux provides almost in every aspect. I like to spend my time in bars and night clubs to get to know people" To get laid.

    Posts : 188

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    Post by Eltharrion 05.01.13 12:14

    It didn't take a rocket scientist to add one and one together here. Sola's clear distraction of things combined with her background and statements... Yeah, it was very clear indeed.

    "Good to see our variety is enough. It'd be shame if you weren't satisfied with your life here.
    Though, I must ask that you stop thinking about the hunk of a man who banged your brains out few days ago, if I may. At least for the last question. Then, I can give you the number of the doctor two doors down the hallway, would you like it. I've heard he's quite good with his hands..."

    Zala smiled openly. For some reason, getting to bluntly thwack this lady on the nose felt really nice. Oh well, maybe she'd stop daydreaming for few moments after that. And if he was lucky, she would get angry or show some other larger emotional outburst. Oh, how many things he could test on her psyche!
    Though, no time for that. He wanted to get the interview over, so rushing up to the next one.

    "Though, to get that, you must answer this question: What are your possible plans on LUX after this? Going to find something new and exiting? Just tag for a ride? Hope to find some nice new planet to call home? Or just check out the men out here, and maybe settle down with few of them around you?"

    Posts : 210

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    Post by Ginka 05.01.13 12:35

    Sola's interviewers sudden comment about the hunk she had banged few days ago surely caught Sola's attention big time. Her ears rose to point straight forwards eagerly though a bit confused. Sola liked when people talked straight forward and out with their minds. "Actually he did that yesterday", Sola made a quick correction in between Zalakar's speech.

    Zalakar had certainly hit the spot though Sola had no interest in getting tips of potential prey. She liked to find them on her own. However Sola was now really curious about Zalakar and Sola did not go back to her thoughts like she normally would have. Wonder how this man is with his left side?

    "I don't have planned it so far. Just taking one day at a time for now."

    Posts : 188

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    Post by Eltharrion 05.01.13 12:52

    "Very good, very good...
    Now, is there something specific you'd want to talk with me? Something on your mind, or just let some steam out? Sadly our time now is getting bit late so we can't have a full session, but if you'd like, we can arrange another time to meet.

    And if you have nothing on mind right now, you can still come to me later and ask for any help. After all, it is my job to listen to any worries you might have."

    And it's also my job to write down a file on this very interesting meeting of ours... Better leave out the note about other doctors. Would look bit bad on it.
    With last few ticks and blips, Zala finished writing down the notes about this meeting and took in a long sip. His cup was running low, though, and with that he gulped down the last drops of his hand-warm cocoa right now. He had to get another cup soon, then.

    Posts : 210

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    Post by Ginka 08.01.13 11:02

    Sola's dirty mind couldn't refuse to form some sort of vision of them doing it. Though her mind left out the gross implants of Zalakar. In the end Sola would do it with ANYONE just to get her dose. It was the truth and it sounded desperate even in her own head. Sola looked to the side and sighed deeply in her thoughts. "I believe this is all. Thank you."

    Fennec rose up after she had thanked her interviewer. She moved her hands in a Vulquweran style marking a thank you and a non-touch hand shake. This was a habit she didn't acutally notice herself. Sola turned towards the exit and prepared herself to leave the room and if Zalakar didn't have anything to compromise it, so she would.

    Posts : 188

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    Post by Eltharrion 08.01.13 11:09

    It took Zala a bit too long to remember again how to answer to Sola's hand forms, and started giving out his natural one-handed answer just as Sola managed to turn away. Thus, he just sighed in his mind and made a mental note that he'd have to go through it all to freshen it up. His vulqu was getting rusty again.

    ((Thus, this ends the first session. Next person in line, DieSonnenkind's Mishka, can join up and start with the next action.))

    Posts : 95

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    Post by DieSonnenkind 08.01.13 11:28

    Mishka raced through the halls of the ship, careful not to run into any passengers as he wove through them. Having thought he'd had more time, he'd stopped by his room to pick up his comm device, which he had carelessly forgotten to put on this morning. I seriously have to get this thing implanted or something... damn thing is so easy to forget.

    And for Mishka, so was the time apparently, he didn't want to keep his interviewer waiting, that's just rude, but he got so caught up in his conversation with Izek that he just didn't leave enough time for himself.

    Finally coming to the door where he was meant to be, Mishka stepped through and smiled sheepishly at the man who sat before him, "So sorry I'm running late, I totally lost track of time." Stepping forward, Mishka reached out a paw to shake the guy's hand, "Oh I'm sorry, a hello would have probably been more appropriate first," another sheepish laugh, "I'm Mishka buy the way, though I'm sure since you're interviewing me you know that already, ah, but I'm rambling, your name is?"

    Posts : 188

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    Post by Eltharrion 08.01.13 11:54

    Zala had been concentrating on his work and hadn't even noticed that the interviewee was late. At least, until he came rushing through the door. Lifting his face up in a static workface, zala's mechanical eye started going almost crazy looking at the newcomer in every possible way, swirling and zooming and making quiet clicks and whizzes.

    "-Ah! You must be Mishka Forenuir! Hello hello. Zalakar, Zalakar Torranei. Though some people call me Zala. And some metalface. Really, what's with all that stuff?"

    With those words, Zala quickly rose up and grabbed Mishka's hand with his gigantic monster-implant of a hand that had been hiding behind his desk with such force that to bystanders it could look like he was trying to pull Mishka off-balance, or crush his hand at least.

    Posts : 95

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    Post by DieSonnenkind 08.01.13 12:06

    Mishka was taken aback by the force of the handshake, "Wow, that's some grip you got there. It's nice to meet you Mr. Zalakar." Taking a moment away from the death grip of a handshake, Mishka took a good look at the man before him. His looks weren't exactly pleasing to the eyes but Mishka chose not to mention it, The guy probably gets more than enough questions, I probably shouldn't trouble him with it.

    Releasing the handshake to get some relief for his hand, Mishka smiled at the fox, "Should I take a seat Mr. Zalakar?"

    Posts : 188

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    Post by Eltharrion 08.01.13 12:27

    "-Ah, I'm sorry, terribly sorry! I sometimes just forget that not everyone's arms are made out of ADT or something as sturdy.
    But please, take a seat if you feel like it. Or stand if you hate sitting. I mean if you like it. Ah, I'm not making any sense here..."

    Zala was waving his arms around like a windmill on acid while talking. This time his Jump had caused him to be bit over-reactive and goofy, though his job had made him concentrate so much he couldn't do any switches out now.
    While talking, Zala took few very quick steps up from behind the table and sat down on his own favourite couch out of the two. A small reach to the side, opening of a side-slot, and Zala drew out a thin blanket which he threw over his own feet. Then he nodded and pointed at the other couch, clearly happily wanting to get this underway.

    Posts : 95

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    Post by DieSonnenkind 08.01.13 12:33

    The fox's over correction made Mishka laugh, "It's no worries, I'm just used to being the one to give overly exuberant handshakes is all."

    Taking a seat, Mishka gave Zala a sideways look, the man seemed kooky for being a psychologist. Or maybe all psychologists are this kooky, it's not like he'd met any before, but he digressed in his own thoughts so he could focus on any questions thrown his way.

    "Okay Doc, what's my first question~?"

    Posts : 188

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    Post by Eltharrion 08.01.13 12:52

    Few flicks, clicks and scrolling, and Zala was re-checking his crammed-up notes about these interviews. It was rather useful to multitask with your eyes at times like these: His natural eye kept on the eye contact and followed Mishka, while the mechanical one read through the text with incredible speed.

    "Yes, the first question. How'd you find out about LUX? No, we're not charging you with any industry spying here or anything if that's what comes to your mind first."

    Yes, the joke was terrible, and even Zala realized it. After he had said it, that is.

    Posts : 95

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    Post by DieSonnenkind 08.01.13 13:16

    Mishka was slightly unnerved by the fact that Zala's eyes could move and be used seperately. He wanted to keep contact with the natural eye but with how quickly the implant moved, it was hard not to focus on it.

    "Um, well, I heard about it from a commercial I saw. I researched it a little bit and saw that it was in need of a security detail and I figured traveling around to different planets as part of a security team could help with my training." The joke Zala had spoken went right over the Malamute's head, subtleties were not his strong suit.

    Posts : 188

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    Post by Eltharrion 08.01.13 21:30

    "Then this trip is going to be the best for you. A few decades long training that is.
    Anyway, let us continue on. Next I would like to know was there any other reason besides wanting experience that made you step on this ship? As I just said, this isn't a week-long training or anything."

    Zala was writing his notes up on a fast speed while leaning bit to the side, trying to find a better position for himself. He had been sitting next to his table so long he wanted to just straighten his legs up on the couch, but knew that would look rather unprofessional.

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