Lux - Sci-fi Anthro Forum RP

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Welcome all new players! Feel free to start playing. If you see anything odd or out of place please be so kind and inform staff about it.

    Official Graphics (Updated 13/1/2013)


    Posts : 210

    Official Graphics (Updated 13/1/2013) Empty Official Graphics (Updated 13/1/2013)

    Post by Ginka 13.01.13 9:48

    When editing text you might find yourself in a need for an appropriate line break or something else. This sticky gathers graphics for all players to use freely. However try not to go over board with these and use them sparingly.

    To get the url of the graphic right-click the image and "copy image URL address".

    Line breaks

    Official Graphics (Updated 13/1/2013) Forum_29

    Official Graphics (Updated 13/1/2013) Jakaja


    Coming soon..

      Current date/time is 05.12.24 15:14