Lux - Sci-fi Anthro Forum RP

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    Alliances & Organizations


    Posts : 62

    Alliances & Organizations Empty Alliances & Organizations

    Post by JA25 03.01.13 0:01

    Galactic Union
    Consisting of several habitable planets and space-stations, this union represents some type of galactic government. Very simple, very straightforward. Diplomacy and democracy is their gig.

    Indux Defense Force, the primary military power of the Galactic Union, this is primarily a peace keeping force, fighting on occasion against criminal components, mainly...

    Organized Crime in Galaxy, IDEF's most common adversary. A criminal union wealthy enough to maintain their own army and fleet of pirating space-worthy vessels. Operating from the farther edges of Indux, these raiding groups often prey on small ships, and are not very likely to attack a ship as big as Lux.

      Current date/time is 05.12.24 14:55