Lux - Sci-fi Anthro Forum RP

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Welcome all new players! Feel free to start playing. If you see anything odd or out of place please be so kind and inform staff about it.

2 posters

    Time line


    Posts : 20

    Time line Empty Time line

    Post by Probie 21.02.13 9:10

    I am confused about the time line here. It is stated in the rulebook thread about cabins that "Every cabin is filled to the max." does this mean that my character always have been in the cabin or that he have just replaced an unnamed npc?

    Posts : 210

    Time line Empty Re: Time line

    Post by Ginka 22.02.13 11:56

    Basically you can play it like you'd just arrived to Lux and received your cabin, which probably wasn't full yet. Every cabin is filled at the pace we get passengers. In other words your cabin doesn't necessarily have four passengers living there yet. It is okay to assume your character has been living there for a while. The way it works for you the best is okay.

    About timelines in general I think it is most important to be aware of what your character has been doing and in what order. Specific dates etc. are discouraged to avoid confusion among players and their characters.

    I hope this answered to your question sufficiently!

    Posts : 20

    Time line Empty Re: Time line

    Post by Probie 22.02.13 12:17

    Thank you that was all i needed to know.

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    Time line Empty Re: Time line

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      Current date/time is 05.12.24 14:57